Life Transitions

\We all experience transitions in life. Transitions are changes that we experience that alter our lives. Some of these are planned, a child going off to college, while others are unexpected, the loss of a job. Transitions can be positive, or negative. These transitions can impact our emotional well-being. They can leave feeling sad and helpless. Therapy can help us regain our emotional balance at these times.

Some transitions that can affect our emotional health are:


Career Change

Child going to college/becoming an empty nester

Break-up of a relationship


Leaving home for the first time

Birth of a child

Being fired

Therapy can assist people in managing their feelings around these moments and improve the ability to cope with change. Treatment around these experiences can include stress management, learning to accept lack of control, utilizing social supports, and both identifying and verbalizing feelings concerning these transitions.  

Please feel free to contact me!

Tuesday-Friday By Appointment Only